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Westbourne sponsoring an academic study with AUT
Westbourne has an office based in Auckland New Zealand and over the years we have developed a deep relationship with Auckland’s University of Technology. We are proud to be working with this university on a study into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can assist with resource capability planning in terms of Service Management. This study will run to the 2018 academic year.
This study will help the students with real-world issues from our sector and look at how emerging technology can be used to solve a problem. It will also allow them to put into practice the theory they have learnt in the classroom and make their learning come alive.
At Westbourne we have a desire to develop and nurture talent both within our organisation and in our wider committee; we are committed to continuous improvement and passionate about ensuring that as an organisation we embrace new technologies and new ways of working.
The results and findings of this study will feed into Westbourne’s Innovation Strategy and thereby helping our clients to gain efficiencies and gain that strategic advantage.
We hope that with the success of this study Westbourne will continue its relationship and continue to sponsor these studies for years to come.